Figure Of The Month

The impact of climate change on food production

The impact of climate change on food production

Climate change is challenging agriculture’s ability to feed us, indeed, the FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) estimates that food production will have to increase by 70% by 2050 in order to feed the additional 2. billion people on our planet… Read more

Biostimulants increase

Biostimulants increase

Plant biostimulants deliver yield increases of 5-10%… Read more

Water at the heart of agriculture

Water at the heart of agriculture

Water is at the heart of agriculture which is by far the largest consumer of water, accounting for 72 percent of the world’s withdrawals. It is crucial for the production of more than 95 percent of all crops… Read more

Global biostimulants market size

Global biostimulants market size

The global biostimulants market size was accounted for USD 3.77 billion in 2022 and is projected to be worth around USD 8.71 billion by 2023… Read more

Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming

The Global Vertical Framing Market Size accounted for USD 3.458 Million in 2021 and is estimated to achieve a market size of USD 25.778 Million by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 25.3% from 2022 to 2030… Read more

Global Warming

Global Warming

The French agricultural landscape could be disrupted by global warming. The expected increase in the earth’s temperature by the end of the century is estimated by climatologists to be between 2 and 5°C… Read more

France world leader in field crop seed exports

France world leader in field crop seed exports

In 2021, France will remain the world leader in field crop seed exports ahead of the USA and Germany. The seeds and seedlings sector accounts for 32% of France’s foreign trade balance in crop and livestock products… Read more

Seed Sector

Seed Sector

After the Covid-19 pandemic, the seed and plant sector had to deal with the consequences of the Russia-Ukarine conflict on the sector’s economiy. Total exports continued to grow by 2.5% to reach €1.962 million… Read more

Global Biostimulants Market

Global Biostimulants Market

The global biostimulants market is expected to register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 9.5% over the forecast period (2022-2027). Read more

Vertical Farming: Revolution or Illusion ?

Vertical Farming: Revolution or Illusion ?

Revolution: In 2021, indoor farming startups raised more than $1.6 billion globally across 70 deals, roughly 86% more than the total capital raised in 2020. Know More Illusion: 7x time more energy consumed per kg compared to a traditional greenhouse. Know More

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